Three seasons (archery, general, and late) have been preliminarily approved by the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners.
🔸 APPLY for just $11.97 per season. Or $35.91 to apply for all three. Applications can be purchased online at or at any in-store hunting license vendor. [Review Elk Hunt Zone descriptions here.].
🔸 Seasons and bag limits will be approved at the board meeting on April 15, 2023. *Changes can be made to application preferences (hunt zones and sex) until the application period closes on Sunday, July 16, 2023.
🔸 Important changes have been made to the application timeframe in response to the adjustment of the drawing date, which will take place on Saturday, July 29, 2023, at the Keystone Elk Country Alliance’s Elk Expo, in Benezette, PA. The drawing date was moved up to allow archery elk hunters more time to prepare.
Watch this video on how to apply for a Pennsylvania elk hunting license online.
Learn more about elk hunting in PA here.
GOOD LUCK! Thank you for being a Pennsylvania hunter and supporting wildlife conservation in the Keystone State.