None of 19 wind-energy proposals on game lands have been permitted; resolution makes stance clear.
The Pennsylvania Game Commission over the years has received 19 proposals develop wind energy on state game lands. All have been denied, due to potential adverse impacts on wildlife.
Today, the Board of Game Commissioners adopted a resolution declaring a moratorium on all future wind energy development on state game lands.
The resolution is as follows:
“WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania Game Commission (Commission) has received numerous solicitations from various industrial wind energy developers interested in erecting wind turbines on State Game Lands (SGLs) over the past few years; and
“WHEREAS, the Commission recognizes the significant value of exploring alternative energy resources and renewable energy initiatives within this Commonwealth; and
“WHEREAS, the Commission has determined that the protection of wildlife habitat values and their associated recreational use of SGLs are one of the Commission’s highest priorities; and
“WHEREAS, The Commission has further determined that evaluation and approval of wind energy projects on SGLs must be completed in strict accordance with the mandates of the Game and Wildlife Code (34 Pa.C.S. §§ 101 et seq.)(Code) to ensure the protection and conservation of the Commonwealth’s wildlife resources and promotion of recreational opportunities on SGLs; and
“WHEREAS, the Commission drafted guidance in 2005 to aid in its evaluation of proposed wind energy development on SGLs; and
“WHEREAS, nineteen (19) SGLs have been targeted by industrial wind energy developers since 2005, some multiple times; and
“WHEREAS, to date, all of the wind energy proposals submitted to the Commission were determined to have a high probability of adversely impacting wildlife resources and the recreational uses associated with SGLs and were therefore not approved; and
“WHEREAS, the Commission has recognized the need to provide a clear policy concerning the potential for future wind energy development on SGLs.
“WHEREAS, the Commission has generally determined that the high probability of adverse impacts to wildlife resources and recreational uses caused by wind energy development on SGLs is incompatible with its mandates under the Code to protect, propagate, manage and preserve the game and wildlife of the Commonwealth and promote recreational opportunities on SGLs.
“NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of the Pennsylvania Game Commission does hereby declare a moratorium on all future wind power development on State Game Lands within this Commonwealth.
“Given under the hand and seal of the Board of Commissioners of the Pennsylvania Game Commission on this 24th day of April, 2018.”
Courtesy PA Game Commission