By Klint Macro FOAC-ILLEA 1st VP
2022 has been a rough year on multiple levels, however, it has not been without it’s wins. But the battles waged have taken a massive toll on our Constitutional Republic. As we face 2023, Lady Liberty is bruised and beaten, and we are most certainly going to need to work hard in the new year to fight to keep her.
I came upon this image on social media. I cannot find the artist who created it to give them proper credit, but I am greatly affected by this image.
The daily wars raged upon freedom at all levels of government, the war for the hearts and minds of our fellow Americans, and the battles to advance the cause of individual Liberty is never-ending. However, in “2023 Pennsylvania”, it looks as if we are going to have to fight a probable anti-gun/anti-liberty house.
Between redistricting, apathetic gun owners not showing to the polls, and possible political hanky-panky in the counting rooms, we have realized one bad election cycle that could ultimately lead to our becoming like our neighbors. I have always said, “We are 1 bad election cycle away from becoming like Maryland, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware”.
In New York, you need a license to purchase a firearm. Even if you can afford to become a legal permitted concealed carrier, you can only carry in establishments that have a sign on their door that says, “lawful carry permitted”. Otherwise, without the sign… it is a no go, and you are a criminal.
In New Jersey, you will get prison time for carrying a hollow point….. ONE. How many do you have on YOUR body when you carry?
In Maryland, you are required to attend 16 hours of mandatory training to apply for a license to carry.
In Delaware, you cannot buy an AR-15. The sale of them was outright banned earlier this year.
These are just the tip of the iceberg; red flag laws, waiting periods, gratuitous government scrutiny, magazine limitations, ammo purchase restrictions, mandatory training, bans, no private sale, no preemption. Restrictions are imposed upon the law-abiding citizens and the government can criminalize gun owners at most any time. Gun owners are treated with distain and as 2nd class citizens.
Now, the math makes it appear as if these kinds of anti-gun/anti-liberty pieces of legislation could make it through the house in 2023. The “majority” of the PA House of representatives is still not clear. Right now, the house is split at 101 to 99 in favor of the Republicans. HOWEVER, the seats held by Tony Deluca (Diseased), Summer Lee (now a US Congresswoman), and Austin Davis (Now Lt. Governor) will be up for grabs in special elections. It is likely Democrats will ultimately occupy those seats which would flip the majority to the Democrats. Democrat does not automatically mean “anti-gun”, but it is safe to say that most anti-gun/anti-liberty legislators are Democrat. Lest we forget anti-gun/anti-liberty Republican Todd Stephens.
Our new Governor’s past behavior as Attorney General is not terribly reassuring in our hopes that he will be a staunch advocate for Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution.
- Assault Weapon Bans/Restrictions – HB 698 / HB 770 / SB 748
- Mandatory Background Checks ALL Firearms – HB 235 / HB 338 / HB 1235 / HB 1810 / SB 88 3. Repeals Pennsylvania’s Firearm Preemption Law – HB 361 / HB 1538
- Ammunition Purchase Restrictions – HB 393 / HB 1751 / HB 1786
- Expand Gun Free Zones to Polling Places, Gov. Bldgs. – HB 528 / HB 737 / HB 1090
- Lost or Stolen Firearms/Mandatory Reporting – HB 699 / HB 980 / SB 217
- Licensing Firearms Ownership & Mandatory Training – HB 872 / HB 1846 / SB 226
- Extreme Risk Protection Orders HB 1211 / HB 1903 / SB 134
- No Fly List Gun Ban – HB 1900 / SB 490
Don’t think it could happen here?
Let’s take a mental trip back to 2019. Imagine the world as it was……
If I said, in a few months the government will destroy the economy, lockdown it’s citizens, force people to stay home, close down churches and businesses, force children to wear masks and require the population to be injected with experimental drugs, you would have said I was nuts.
The government has gotten really good at restricting the people’s liberty in the last couple of years and “We the People” have gotten good at blindly abiding and thoughtlessly obeying.
Don’t think it could happen here? Think again.
Why is the elected class working so fervently to disarm the law-abiding public? It is because they know what James Madison knew.
“Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes. But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it.”
-James Madison (Publius) in Federalist Paper #46
Lady Liberty is not well. We cannot let her take her last breath and feel the warmth leave her hand when the life leaves her loving eyes. This cannot happen.
What are YOU going to do in 2023 to help save her?